Under the Sustainable Development of Aquaculture and Inland Fisheries under the Framework of the FAO-China South- South Cooperation (SSC) Programme, International High-Level Consultative Expert Workshop (HLCEW) take place at the Freshwater Fisheries Research Center (FFRC) of the Chinese Academy of Fisheries Sciences (CAFS) in Wuxi, China. It is scheduled to be held from 1-5 June 2015.
Mr. Li Shumin, deputy director of Fisheries Bureau of the Ministry of agriculture, Mr. Ji Wenyuan, deputy director of international exchange center of Ministry of agriculture, Mr. Jia Jian San, deputy director of the aquaculture division of FAO, Mr. Zhang Xianliang, president of Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences attend the opening ceremony and deliver speeches.
The HLCEW aims to present China, FAO, invited developing countries and selected international partners’ experience relevant to taking up challenges to aquaculture development, in order to develop, in a collaborative fashion, priorities and an agenda for action to promote sustainable inland fisheries and aquaculture development for food security and rural development in developing countries.