Training Course on Aquaculture Technology for Argentina declare open on June 1st in Freshwater Fisheries Research Center. Mr. Oscar Solis, Deputy Secretary of animal husbandry and fisheries of Ministry of agriculture in Argentina, Mr. Jia JianSan, deputy director of fisheries and aquaculture of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of United Nations, Mr. Zhang Xianliang, president of Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Prof. Xu Pao, Director of Freshwater Fisheries Research Center attend the opening ceremony. The opening ceremony presided over by Prof. Yuan Xinhua, deputy director of Freshwater Fisheries Research Center.
This training course lasts for 12 days with a total of 15 fishery officials from Argentina to participate. During the training, it carries out the thematic lectures, experiments and production practice, it will also organize the participants to go to Shanghai and other places for field visits and exchanges with the local Chinese fish farmers and officials in aquaculture technology related experience.